MacWorld 1997 November
Macworld (1997-11).dmg
Games World
Additional game levels
For Duke Nukem 3D
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Text File
49 lines
Title : TEN civil war series map Numero DOS!
Author : DErAileD
E-mail : jrnet@pop.flash.net
Web Page : Got one that sucks........ getting a new one.....
Description : An 8 player DukeMatch level that was made
from a battle in the book "Killer Angels".
This is DEFINATELY the better of the two that
I am putting online and is similar to Earthwar and
Stealth in a coupla ways (towers). For all the maps in
this series, there will be an extra graphics version
and low graphics version. (#2 is the good one) I am also
asking that other map makers also make civil war maps to add to
this collection and make a large collection of those maps.
Just contact me and I'll post it up for you with my next
set. (You can also post it individually) Be sure that
it goes up at FILE FACTORY! (http://www.filefactory.com/)
Additional Credits to :BUILD dudes. The maker of ANSLEM (Kick-ass level!).
ID Software (still better than 3d Realms.)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # :User Map
Single Player : Tenciv2x is hard mode (VERY HARD) Tenciv2 is easy mode.
DukeMatch Level : Yes. Up to 8 players
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Build
Known Bugs : If you find any let me know.
* Where to get this MAP file *
FTP sites: The greatest little file factory in Texas! (http://www.filefactory.com/)
BBS numbers: